历经22年岁月验证的青苗十五年一贯制教育,将带给孩子怎样的成长?The BIBS 15-years Education
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Starting from kindergarten, BIK students will get a first feel on Belonging, Growing and Learning, and learn about Community, Environment, Heath, Independence, Thinking, Physical Ability and Knowledge.
BIK offers a warm, tolerant and joyful learning environment with diversified and soak-in courses, inspiring students’ curiosity, creativity, responsibility, confidence and integrity.
At this stage, BIBS offers students opportunity to improve their courage by doing what they are good at. This early stage inner drive construction is crucial for children’s continued self-development.
Elementary School
以“创造性学习”为核心的IB小学项目(IB PYP)课程体系将为他们的好奇心打开一扇门,门里有中西方文化之菁华和两种语言之美。
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Elementary school, the beginning of one’s academic career. Students will study language, humanities, math, art, science, individual/society/health. Step by step, to acquire new knowledge.
The IB PYP opens students’ heart to the essence of Chinese and western culture – language.
From scholarship to EAL, CSL, SEN and ASA programs, BIBS believes in the combination of open school and a rigid academic attitude. We encourage students to take initiative in learning and inspire their curiosity to new things.
Middle School
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Middle school students will further study Environment Exploration, Learning Methods, Community Service, Human Creation, Health and Social Education. Language acquisition, Language and Literature, Individual and Society, Science, Mathematics, Art, P.E. and Health Education will draw the blueprint of their knowledge framework.
Students will also learn to establish connections between the knowledge they learn and the real-world issues. They will learn to communicate and understand different cultures while refining their knowledge structure by participating in community service and activities.
BIBS sees every student a unique individual, and adopts diversified teaching for each student’s personalized needs.
At MS stage BIBS focuses on students’ learning attitude, and encourages students to apply the positive attitude to their entire academic career and future work and life.
Senior High School
青苗提供的大学预科项目(IB DP)课程体系涵盖“言语文学研究、语言习得、个体与社会、实验科学、数学、艺术与选修”六大学科组,每一门学科组课程又分为高等级课程(Higher Level)和标准等级课程(Standard Level),此时,学生们将认真审视自身能力并做出判断。
IB DP课程要求学生具备文理综合的学习能力,不仅“文”以丰厚的历史底蕴为基础有力地拓宽他们的视野,“理”则通过缜密的逻辑推理教给他们观察世界的方式。
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Senior high is to prepare for university.
The IB DP at BIBS includes Language and Literature Study, Language Acquisition, Experimental Science, Mathematics, Art and Elective. Each subject field is categorized as Higher Level and Standard Level.
IB DP requires a student’s comprehensive learning ability to expand their vision and look at the world in a logic way.
Students’ knowledge acquisition, socialization, emotion and physical abilities will be greatly promoted at senior high stage. Additionally, BIBS also offers vast extracurricular activities to cultivate student’s leadership, teamwork skills and sense of responsibility.
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Bean, the energy of life.
Stalk, the power of growing.
Being the first Chinese international school, BIBS, with 22 years of experience, has witnessed history, and is on its way to create new success. Beanstalk Education, like its name, will soar to the sky, with the Magic Power of Growing!
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江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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